Do you understand the difference between positioning and branding?
There is actually quite a bit of a difference between the two, where both get compared in the past I’ve said that I thought branding was pretty much dead (and I am not that far off with it in my opinion). Branding with something well capitalized and long-term businesses could do in the past to take significant market share. The days of having tons of resources in a war chest to make a huge difference are diminishing.
Today’s branding is more of a personal nature, you can brand your position in the marketplace which I talk about in many articles as well as my courses and podcasts, but with the Internet and social credibility you could become to go to expert much quicker and at a much lower investment.
Positioning is where and how you get your company seen in your marketplace. How do your customers and clients find you and they put you on the pedestal of expert (yes correct positioning is a form of marketing just like branding is) Have you built their trust, do they see you as a valuable asset?
What most business owners think about how they are seem it’s completely different the way the consumer sees them, just ask them you will be surprised!
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