Are you planning for War??
It’s a beautiful day here on the Jersey shore it’s just part of Labor Day weekend or the into the summer ( and the beginning of local summer) as it’s called here. Sunday is my what I called war planning day even though I don’t care for the term it is just that planning for what you’re going to implement during not just a week, but for the future and the small changes you might need to implement in order to get there. A lot of big things in the works coming out shortly including digital learning platforms and without putting plans together (and yes my office looks like it) 😂 I would have no way to achieve the goals. I’ve been asked multiple times to develop a program for those that are not ready for business coaching or possible consulting on their service business and after many years of sitting on it the time has come. Some thing I learned from Brian Tracy many years ago is if it’s not written down as a plan of action it means nothing.
What battle plans are you prepping for with your business or career, do you have things designed in sequence to make things happen. Our coaching clients love our platform because even though there’s some serious accountability there are some serious measures of how successful they become. Stay tuned for some big things at and beyond. There’s an old saying if you’re not first your last, even though I don’t completely agree with it I do agree if you don’t take action you will be last as others will move above you! As of today I am re-introducing the Sunday morning minutes just beginning of September and fall have started. Enjoy the rest of your day live well!!! @everyone#sundaymorningminutes #robmlyon #servicewithoutexcuses #doitup #10minkickasscoaching #10X